A common issue with motorcycles that have saddle bags is how to organize items inside of them. Often times as was my case, riders just throw items in the saddle bags. Those items then bounce around and become a mess when you're trying to find something in particular.

Kemi Moto Saddlebag Organizer Install
Installation was very easy. Simply remove one saddlebag mount bolt at a time and reinstall with the organizer. The only thing I didn't like about the item when installing was that it is held in place by fabric, not the nice heavy plastic the backing is made of. They drilled out the plastic at the mount point from which you put the saddlebag bolt through the thin fabric when mounting it. I opted to paint a fender washer and put it between the saddlebag and the bolt to give more support for the organizer.
Kemi Moto Saddlebag Organizer Quality And Functionality
The quality is extremely high. It is made with a heavy plastic backing and very thick weather-resistant material. There is a variety of the size of pockets some of which have zippers. Because of the variety, it makes it easy to dedicate specific pockets that fit different size items. This holds those items in place well so they don't bounce around and get mixed up or damaged by other items. I am quite pleased with the product and would certainly recommend it to anyone riding a bagger for organizational purposes.

Kemi Moto Saddlebag Organizer Road Testing
I actually took a 3100-mile road trip shortly after installing the organizers. They worked fantastically the entire trip and made fetching items easy. I did switch locations of some items a few times until I was happy with their location based on the amount of usage each item gets. Once I dialed in what items and where they would reside I was happy.
Kemi Moto Saddlebag Organizer Video
Ride Strong Wrench Proud

Your content is awesome. I have been a mechanic by trade for 25 years but was hesitant about working on the bars on my 23’ Street Glide Special. Im going to order them up and keep the video on YouTube handy. If you have an apparel for sale please shoot me an email! [email protected]