This weekend we really broke into spring riding with a couple of local rides. We saw the weather was holding out for a perfect weekend and let the urge to ride prompt us into action. We have been riding but nothing like this weekend. I took off work an extra day so we could hit the roads and see some new sites, new roads, new eateries, and meet people. As we hoped, both days were fulfilling and left us wanting more.
Going To San Saba, TX To Try A Brewery
Saturday we headed out to San Saba, TX for some great new roads to our destination of Bar D Brew House, a local microbrewery. Of course, I had to try the beer they brewed out back of the restaurant and was not disappointed! I had the Rabbit Hole brew. It was a light brown, a bit hazy, very smooth, and a fine flavored brew. Very close to Fat Tire which is a personal favorite. Don’t get the wrong idea about me and beer though. I am not a beer connoisseur who can sniff out the ingredients and tell you the process in which it was made.
It's difficult for me to recognize the different types of beer other than ales and lagers. I like to try different types and if I like them, great! That’s about as far as my knowledge goes. Probably the absolute best beer I ever had was in Tennessee at The Smokey Mountain Brewery. It was the Black Bear Ale and it was unbelievably good and unforgettable.
A Viewer Said Hello!
Bar D Brew House is also a biker-friendly establishment. While we were there quite a few groups of riders came to experience the local brews. When we were heading out to our bikes, someone who follows Ride It Wrench It on YouTube recognized me and called out, “Don’t you make those YouTube videos”? He and a buddy were headed out so regrettably, I didn’t catch his name.
Meeting New People
It was kewl meeting him and his buddy and I wish we had met sooner so we could have had a beer and talked a bit. His buddy pulled up beside me as they headed out, handed me a sticker, and gave me a short 20-second rundown of what he was involved in before taking off. He turned out to be a bike builder and let me snap a quick picture of his ride.
Bike building is something far beyond what I teach on Ride It Wrench It. Those guys are in my opinion, the hardcore mechanics and designers of motorcycles. To take a frame, an idea, and parts, turn it into a completely custom bike using machine tools, welders, and whatever else they have and put together a great bike holds a place of high respect for me. Not only was Dan a bike builder, but he also has a business where he travels the country to local bike builders, writes articles, and does podcasts about the latest shop he visits.
I wish we had more time to spend with them, I would have loved to hear them talk shop. It’s so kewl when you head out and run into so many interesting people. That’s part of the experience that keeps us riding.
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