January 18 thru 21 was a three-day weekend for some people depending on their company's outlook on national holidays. Fortunately, I was off with pay to take advantage of it. As I was closing out my day on Friday I began to consider options for possible rides. Invites were going out from friends and riding groups but I just couldn't decide which one to go with. All of them were taking day trips but none of them were going anywhere new

The Weather Looked Good For It
I pulled up the National Weather Service and stuck our zip code in the box. The results that came back were baffling. For all three days, the temperatures were going to be in the high 60s or higher? That seemed kind of weird to me considering all of the cold we have been having. As my pondering continued a crazed spark of suggestion hit me in the head. "Ride the 3 Sisters in Leakey, TX it said". Huh…..realistically why not? I quickly pulled up a google map and put together a sketchy route to find it was very doable. I sent an email to Margaret about it and she hesitantly responded we could consider it.
Fridays are half workdays at our site so it was still early when I got home. Margaret asked me if I was crazy but she had already begun looking up accommodations in Kerrville, TX. She found lodging and in order to fill vacancies they gave us a great rate for 2 nights. Our three-day weekend road trip plan came together perfectly in a couple of hours.
Leaving For Kerville, TX
Even though the highs were going to be in the 60s and 70s, the mornings were still cold and the temperatures were dropping quickly in the evening. The ride from Fort Worth to Kerrville was 255 miles. We waited until 11 am on Saturday before leaving. We didn't ride all that hard, stopped for lunch, and still arrived at our hotel by 5:30 pm. Our comfortable riding window was about 7 hours out of the day and it worked out well on the first day.
Sunday we took our time getting up, had breakfast, watched a movie, and finally headed out at 10:30 am. We rode a scenic route to Leakey, TX that took us on roads that were every bit as beautiful as the 3 Sisters. At one point I stopped at a scenic overlook while climbing high into the hill country to take some pictures. Margaret points to a huge yellow and blue warning sign that gave the death count of motorcyclists since 2006 for the next stretch of road. Panic crossed her face and I explained that we were just cruising the road not racing on it. I reminded her that she had become a very good rider and that everything would be fine.

As we crested a hilltop and a huge valley opened before us. You could see the road snaking along the edge of the hills with the sheer drop on the outside. The incline and turns were quite extreme with speed limits posted at only 10mph in many places. We took our time, riding the speed limit or just a few mph over it, and arrived safely at the bottom onto long expanses of open road. We rode these into Leakey where we stopped at the Bent Rim Grill for lunch. This is one of those must-stop biker places that you will find at the head of most well-known riding routes. There is a gift shop with T-shirts, route patches, and vest pins.
Taking On The 3 Twisted Sisters
It was about 1:30 when we finished lunch and headed out for the 3 Sisters ranch roads. We started the route by going north on ranch road 336. Early into the ride, there was another one of those yellow and blue warning signs stating how many motorcyclists had died on the route. Again I had to remind Margaret that she rode well and how well she did on that ranch road 337W coming into Leakey.
We took our time doing the speed limit or a couple of mph over and enjoyed every bit of the road. A few times we had to dodge fallen rocks and dead animals. This part of the ride was very curvy with quite a few inclines. When we finished that Sister and arrived at the junction road that led to the next Sister. Margaret had relaxed quite a bit from her death grip on the handlebars now that she had completed one of the routes.

Ranch Roads 335 and 337
We took Texas 41 West until we reached the next Sister which is ranch road 335. This road was not as twisty as the previous Sister but it was more hilly with a lot of rolling hills with sweeping curves. Once again this was a beautiful ride and still one more Sister to go.
We took ranch road 337 out of Camp Wood, TX for the final Sister. This ranch road is the easiest of the three. Most of it is beautiful scenery with long stretches of road and long easy curves. Towards one end though there is one short section where the turns and road grades get serious and you have to be careful. Especially after riding 50 and 60 for long stretches to suddenly confront steep inclines and sharp 15mph turns, it could be easy to misjudge and fly off into the valley below. Coming out of the hills at the end of ranch road 337 brings back past the Bent Rim Grill and finishes the 95 mile 3 Sisters route.
Heading Back To Our Lodging
By now it was 4:30 pm so we headed straight back to Kerrville. I had stopped towards the end of ranch road 337 and put my jacket back on because I could feel the cold coming back quickly. We took a more direct route back so it only took a little over an hour to arrive. We stopped for dinner and by the time we got back to our room the temperature had plummeted to the mid-'40s. It was cold for sure but we did well to be able to enjoy the experience within our riding window time frame. If this had been spring or summer we would have ridden a bit more and spent more time at our stops since the temperature wouldn't have been an issue. Considering we were able to make this trip with such nice weather in the middle of January we were both grateful.
It looks like you two had an fantastic trip. Your video is superb as always.
I can not believe you got your wife to ride the 3 sisters. I know male riders that have been riding for 8+ years and they aren't willing to try it. I rode it several years back but my girlfriend stayed home, she was too afraid to ride it as a passenger! Tell your wife I am in awww of her; you are one lucky man!
Excellent blog! I'm leaving NC on May 4th to go ride the Three Sisters. Looking forward to it.
Ride Safe,