Call it Murphy's Law, fate, bad luck, or misfortune but after the battery tender post, my battery died. There was a nice break in the weather one morning and I decided to ride. Got geared up, unplugged the battery tender, got on, pushed the starter, and DEAD BATTERY!
Replacing Battery
When I got home from work, I removed the battery and took it to Fort Worth Harley. They stuck it on a tester and discovered it had a bad cell so it couldn't be charged to ever work again. They gave me a new replacement, free of charge, and I went on my merry way home to put it in. The bike started right up.
Battery Tender
As I mentioned in the holiday downtime post, a battery tender won't prevent a battery from breakage, it will prolong the life as long as the battery does not go bad and keep it from discharging while sitting in extremely cold or hot temps. My next post will be on changing the oil and the monetary savings for doing it yourself. Hopefully, Murphy will be on vacation.
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