As you probably guessed, the bike is still in the shop. They received the new speedometer, stuck it in, took the bike on the road for testing and it stopped working too. Now they are stuck. Our service rep called us and said at this point they had no idea what the problem could be. After calling some other service centers for help and still receiving no solution they put their master tech on the case who is now working with a Harley corporate electrical engineer to troubleshoot the problem.
No Timeframe For Repair Completion
They have no idea when the repair will be complete because they don't know what the problem is. Even though I have the broken down blues this is probably one of the best times of the year for a problem like this to happen. It's over 100 degrees almost daily now and that makes for some pretty hard riding. Especially if you are out in the afternoon. This is also giving us the opportunity to continue doing maintenance on our home. It's easy to decide to take a ride instead of work.
Warranty Was Worth It
If you're ever debating whether to extend the warranty of your bike then this is a good example of why you should. Many questions came to mind when the factory warranty was close to ending. Will it be worth it? What if nothing happens and we waste all that money? Will we regret it? Will it pay for itself? All I can say about an extended warranty is….Get It. I don't know yet how much this breakdown would have cost without a warranty but the bikes have been there for almost 3 weeks. Labor is the big cost at this point and that adds up quickly. You have to look realistically at your own financial situation and determine if you could pay out of pocket for something like this. And keep in mind, this is only one major problem that happened. What if a couple more happen? We will still have to pay our $50 deductible which I will gladly pay for something like this. I purchased enough warranty to get this bike through May of 2018 and it's looking like this one repair might actually pay for the cost of that 4 years warranty.
Sorry to hear you are still having issues. Hoping they sort it all out for you. Just got back from riding in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Was cold and rainy there.