A few weeks back we took a group ride with our HOG Chapter. We were sitting at home bored, I didn't have a ride planned, and Margaret wanted to ride. She was pushing me to come up with a destination but I didn't want to have to think, lead, or make decisions on turns or food. Sometimes you just want to ride without taking responsibility for other riders.
Heading Out With HOG
I pulled up our Chapters calendar and behold Cranfills Gap! As I've stated before, this is always a good ride destination. At first, Margaret was hesitant about going. It had been quite a while since she went on a Chapter ride and she isn't used to riding in larger groups. However, once we arrived at the dealership we noticed some friends of ours, Bill and Beth. That was the turning point in her hesitation. They are a wonderful couple and we have always enjoyed spending time with them. They had not been on any rides for a long time and this was the first in many months for them. We figured this was one of those "it was meant to be situations" since both Margaret and Beth are somewhat new riders and both happened to show up for the ride.
Never Ridden Roads
All of us lined up for group 3 so we could stay together for the duration of the ride. The day was beautiful, our road captains did a fantastic job of leading and trailing our group. We had plenty of breaks to hydrate since it was pretty warm. As always, the food at the Horny Toad was wonderful. The ride also took us on some roads Margaret and I had not traveled before and that was nice in itself.
Our Chapters Activity Officer Don has done superb planning for Chapter rides. Since he began planning activities he has made a change in our rides that I really like. We used to ride nice roads to get to the destination, eat, and rush back to the dealership on the most direct and fastest road that could be taken. Under Don's leadership for activities, we now take a nice route to the destination and a scenic route back as well. To me doing this completes the day's ride in a positive way. Good Job Don!
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