In a post last year I speculated about the possibilities of ride destinations. We knew 2017 would be less riding due to other goals. We had made a list of possible 3-day rides and failed to do any of them. It’s been a very busy year for us outside of the ride to the point the best we could do was some day-long rides as time favored. The few we did were fun though and we're hoping that the summer of 2018 will have us back on the road for another long multi-week cross-country ride.
We Kept The Motorcycles Maintained
We did use the time not riding to do some maintenance on both bikes. New tires on Margaret's bike, spoke truing, brake pads on both bikes, and the rear tire on the FLHXS. A drive belt on the FLHXS due to something that caught in it and tore the outer edge, and complete 3 hole oil changes on both. Last week my battery gave out and I replaced that as well. So mechanically the bikes are ready for a good long trip. Now the only questions are, can we get time off, how many weeks, when, and where will we go?
Brainstorming Possible Rides
We already have some plans in place based on those previous questions. Were wanting to head north to the Dakotas, see Mount Rushmore, and Sturgis, head west to the Beartooth Highway, south to Las Vegas, and then back home to Texas. Another plan is something themed I came up with called the Alien Agenda. This would take us to Aurora, TX (local ride), Marfa, TX, the Mcdonald Observatory, Roswell, NM (again), The Very Large Array, and whatever else I can find related to outer space and aliens. The 3rd option and the one we need the most time for would-be riding the Pacific Coast Highway. Were thinking 3 weeks minimum from Texas to get there, ride it, have time to see sights along the ride, and get back.
Well See How Life Plays Out
Those are tentative plans for 2018 road trips. We still have lots of two and three-day rides and hopefully, 2018 will open the possibilities of riding those as well. In February the Progressive International Motorcycle Show will be in Dallas. I am really excited about that, it’s always a great event and awesome to see the new bikes, parts, and accessories coming out for the year.
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