This year's summer has turned into a scorcher. Our garden was fried into oblivion, English ivies are shriveling into mulch, the Bermuda grass has turned to straw, you can cook an egg on the pavement, and riding……well, we're just not doing it. Our honey bees are doing well, though.
Opening the door to the outside is like a blast furnace. For the record, on July 22, the heat index was 117 degrees. It was 119 the day before, but I didn’t think to get a screenshot for the record and write a post about it until the next day. We’ve ridden in temps like this before. When we were in Utah in August a few years back riding through Hanksville and Moab, we were in the 110-degree temperatures. It was quite an experience being on the open road in the desert. That was a tough day of riding for us. The hot air blasting your face provided no relief while moving. The heat from the engine frying your legs and adding to the inferno. The heat shimmers upwards from the pavement below and the sun baking you from above. It can wipe you out. We have those same extreme heat conditions in our area. We like to enjoy our rides, but for us, this level of heat is just too much for fun.
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